Best FreeSync Gaming Monitors to Buy in 2020

If your computer is featuring an AMD GPU and it is coming with built-in Radeon FreeSync technology, then you will also need a gaming monitor with Freesync support.
The variable refresh rate used by gaming monitors is and adaptive synchronization technology that greatly improves the gaming experience. If you are playing games with great graphics, then the adaptive refresh rate will take your whole experience to a new level. Note that FreeSync works with DisplayPort 1.2 and later versions, as well as with HDMI 2.0 ports. Before buying a new monitor make sure to check first which port supports FreeSync technology.
The models listed in this post are some of the best models we feature on our website, and the list is compiled to help those of you who are looking to sort the great FreeSync models from all the other units situated on the lower-end of the spectrum.
Another note for you would be that you will also need to own a good computer, capable of going over at least 120 fps, as most models below are using a variable refresh rate of at least 120Hz. Please note that some of the models listed below will offer support for Nvidia G-Sync technology, too, which is their own response to AMD's FreeSync. Also, if you own an Nvidia GPU card, then you will need to buy a monitor with G-Sync support, as those with only FreeSync by AMD built inside will not do anything to improve your gaming experience.